the oldest anime & gaming store

on Washington's olympic Peninsula


Anime Kat is very active on several social media sites (some more active than others).  Each social media site serves a different purpose, but they share much overlap.  Check them out to find out which one is the most useful for you.

Social Media

Our Facebook page is our most active social media site.  We use it to share funny things we find, update you about what's going on, and is our general purpose bullhorn.  

The Anime Kat's Gamer Meet-Up group on Facebook is for players to organize their own store events or find players interested in the same games as themselves. 

Our Twitter account is currently a catch all of things we think you might find interesting.   

Find us at @animekatllc

Our Instagram account is for interesting pictures we take at the store.  Find us @animekatllc and tag your pictures as #animekatllc

Our Tumblr account is for us to share cool pictures we find.

Our YouTube channel hosts any videos we create for the store.  Videos include how to's, event coverage, and other things we film for the store.

Our Wordpress blog is for different writers to share thoughts about anything related to the store...behind the scenes stories, event reporting, hobby guides, anime reviews, and other articles.  Contact us if you want to be a writer.  You can also read the current blog feed right here.